Opt for Medivic Aviation to get advanced Train Ambulance Service in Chennai Opt for Medivic Aviation to get advanced Train Ambulance Service in Chennai

Opt for Medivic Aviation to get advanced Train Ambulance Service in Chennai

90.000,00 INR

Published: 04-02-2025

Expire: 14-10-2038

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Does your patient need to be transported from Chennai to any other place in India?

If yes, don’t panic. With Medivic Aviation Train Ambulance Service in Chennai, your loved one can be transported from Chennai to any place in India at any time. Our train ambulance service is available at your service in times of medical emergency.

Medivic Aviation Train Ambulance Service in Chennai offers a reliable and quite reasonably priced train ambulance service that has fully modern medical facilities with the latest state-of-the-art equipment, ensuring smooth transportation and also providing much-needed medical care.

!!Contact Info!!

Uttaranchal Plaza, Vasundhra, Sector-3, Near Pani Tanki, Ghaziabad, NCR Delhi-201012

Phone: +91-9560123309, +91-9264470192

Email: info@medivicaviation.com

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