How to deal with a hangover?

Published: 15-11-2020

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Probably everyone knows what “the day after” looks like. An unpleasant feeling in the stomach, a strong headache and a general aversion to life — this is how you can describe the basic symptoms of a hangover that occurs after a heavy drinking. How to cure it and make “the day after” easier?


Restore fluid balance

Toxins must be well flushed out, so try to stay hydrated. Although it may seem difficult at first, drink water in small sips. You can also add some fruit to it to help keep you hydrated. Most of hangover symptoms are caused by a massive loss of water in your body, so staying hydrated will help you feel better.


Take a painkiller

Don’t try to be brave about it: the unpleasant symptoms caused by excessive alcohol consumption can be really hard to bear. Just take a pill or two and let the headache pass. Try to strengthen your body while the painkiller is still working: drink plenty of water and try to eat something filling. When you have a bad headache, it can be really hard to force yourself to eat anything, but when the pain subside, it will be a little easier.


Try a bite to eat

If you cannot eat a full meal even after taking a painkiller, eat some snacks. Even a small portion of fruits or vegetables, a bite of sandwich or crackers will make you feel better. When you feel well enough to eat, try to make up for the deficiencies in your body by eating something nutritious.


Sleep well

When you have a hangover, don’t try to force yourself to do your daily activities. Limit them to the most important ones and just sleep as much as possible. Your home will survive if you don’t wipe the floor that day. The laundry can also be done later. Cooking is not the best idea either: order take-out food from your favourite restaurant instead. Your body regenerates while you sleep, so the more time you nap, the faster you will feel well.


Don’t try to take the hair of the dog that bit you

Don’t try to get over your hangover by drinking more. Obviously, a small amount of alcohol will ease the pain, but it will cause more severe dehydration and make you feel even worse the next day.


Try to prevent

The night before and the morning after are completely different. You felt great yesterday, but not so great today. Therefore, first of all, try not to get a hangover. Even if it is hard when drinking alcohol, try to keep some things in mind. First, eat well before the party. Second, remember to also drink water or soft drinks between alcoholic tipples. This will prevent a strong dehydration and “the day after” might be easier for you.

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