Have you ever wondered if your handwriting can tell anything about you? Graphologists would probably agree that the way you write (in technical meaning) shows really many things. Not only is every person in the world characterized by a unique handwriting style, but also the way we write can tell a lot about our personality. Below you can find the most interesting examples of such cases.
Write something down and I will tell you who you are
It is said that according to the way we are writing, scientists separated more than five thousand types of personalities. What is more, schizophrenia can also be diagnosed this way!
Even the pressure we put on the pen matters. In this particular case, people who place heavy pressure on the pen when they write tend to take their commitments really seriously. At the same time, they react boldly to criticism. On the other hand, people who tend to hold their pen lightly are usually very sensitive and empathetic. Although, at the same time, they lack energy.
What size of letters do you prefer?
Even though it might sound ridiculous, the size of letters you write can determine the type of personality. If you tend to use small letters (even when there is enough space to use bigger ones), you are concentrated, meticulous and rather withdrawn. Shy people are inclined to use smaller letters and wider spacing between the letters. The spacing might either mean that you are a lone wolf (if you are using wider gaps) or that you hate being alone (when the letters are closer to each other).
Also, the type of looping created by the letters matters. The way you write “e” and “l” can determine your personality. Those who like to write a rather narrow “l” loop probably want to restrict themselves and thus, they feel a lot of tension. On the other hand, people who tend to write a narrow “e” are rather sceptical. If you write a narrow “e”, you probably are not convinced easily by things other people say. Wide “l” is usually written by relaxed and outgoing people. The description of wide “e” is quite similar: people who use it are open-minded and love to do new things. In other words, if you write a big “e”, you probably never say “no” to an adventure.
Where is your dot?
Not only does the way you write letters matter but also your method of dotting the “i” letter. Scientists distinguished several cases in this respect, for example, if you put the dot right over the letter, you are really well organized; putting it slightly higher might be a proof of a rich imagination.
We bet from now on you will pay careful attention to the way you write different letters. We can assure you: not only is it fun, but it is also highly informative!