How to cope with jealousy?

Published: 30-11-2020

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You have entered a new relationship and your tendency to be possessive creates a conflict between you and your partner? Maybe something happened (for example, a new co-worker of your other half appeared on the scene) and you suddenly felt a twinge of irrational jealousy? It is a natural reaction. Jealousy can arise at any point in the relationship. Bad news is that you have to fight it, otherwise the integrity of your relationship may be compromised. What to do to stay healthy and not be obsessively jealous?


Talk to your partner

The first thing you should keep in mind is that jealousy is perfectly normal, if it is not at an alarming level. You have every right to feel uncomfortable when your other half is flirting with someone else. At the same time, you should not respond with anger when (s)he just say “hello” to a co-worker you accidentally meet in a supermarket. Only honest communication with your partner can help you to handle problems and get through the crisis together. Don’t be afraid to say that you were uncomfortable when they were laughing and talking as if you were not there. Maybe your partner just wasn’t aware of how you were feeling?


Think reasonably

Sometimes you are just jealous, even if the situation is not serious. The fact that your partner just talked to a friend or smiled at a shop assistant doesn’t necessarily mean they are trying to cheat you. Kindness is not a crime! When you feel a sudden pang of unwanted jealousy, try to take a few calming breaths and answer the question: are you sure that your partner’s behaviour that made you so jealous was really bad? Sometimes, increased jealousy correlates with lower self-esteem. People who tend to be jealous focus on what they lack compared to others. Therefore, don’t start measuring yourself against other people. And don’t consider all the people your partner meets as potential competitors!


Contact a specialist

If you think your level of jealousy is really high, try to objectively assess whether you can handle the problem yourself. Sometimes you need the help of a psychologist. However, you should only make an appointment if you want to change yourself. There is no point in going to a psychologist only to hear that you are right. If you think your partner is the one for life, just tell her/him about your problem. Maybe (s)he would like to visit a psychologist with you?

Remember that there are also situations where jealousy is justified. If your partner is flirting with someone in front of you, and then says you have made this up, run away. This person is not worth a second of your time. If you let this attitude continue, you will definitely have a problem in the future. If someone has trouble being faithful, it will not pass with time. It can only get worse. Think about yourself and don’t go on with something that has no future.

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