Fireworks may seem pretty but they have damaging effects to not just the environment but also to animals in the environment. The loud noises created by fireworks don’t stir excitement for all people and animals. Although they can be entertaining for most people, it is scary for pets that they are forced to do unusual things to find escape from these noises. Dogs are sensitive creatures with sensitive ears and during fireworks, they are not just scared but can also lose their hearing ability. They may run out when scared.
To keep pets safe from these harmful and loud fireworks noises, it is important that you keep them indoors, where they can hear little to minimum firework sounds. In case you can’t keep your four-legged friends in a quiet room, make sure you give them a crate in a place that has comparatively less exposure to any loud sounds. Refrain from taking your dog outside if there are firework going on. Take your dog on a walk-in quiet area and away from the noises to protect them from the damage that the fireworks can cause and also to keep them calm. To calm your pets, play relaxing music or abstract white noise so that they are distracted and are not anxious because of these sounds.
In order to keep your pet safe and calm in case of fireworks, keep your pet hydrated and have dog treats with you to distract your pet. One of the most accessible ways to keep your pet safe is to sit with them, pet them and comfort them by being around so that they do not feel estranged and do not run away out of fear. Make sure that you have your dog next to you so that they are not just comfortable but also to keep a check on them. Bring various toys that they don’t get bored of and swap them frequently so that they remain distracted rather than losing interest. With your dog, do an activity that your dog enjoys and actively participates in so that they are able to maintain their calm.
To keep your dog safe during fireworks and from fireworks, close any windows and curtains so that the dogs are unable to see any flashing lights. Distract your dog by playing with them or offering them a toy but in case they don’t want to play, do not force them. Keep your dog indoors with you and try to mask the sounds of fireworks. In case your dog shows extreme signs of distress and anxiety, ask the vet for the possible sedatives or anti-anxiety medicines that you can administer to keep your dog safe. Stay in contact with your vet in case your dog shows strange behaviour. Carry out behavioural therapy with your dog in order to train them and prevent from anxiety outbursts that may result in wild behaviour.
One of the safety precautions that you can take for keeping your dog safe is to train them about the safe places that they have in the house and that they won’t be harmed. Dogs can overtime learn about what places are safe and enjoyable. Train your dog about associating different areas with positive experiences as this may prevent them from running away from the house if they are unleashed. It is highly important to know the triggering factors for the dogs. Based on these, activities can be designed so that in under-stress conditions, they are kept calm through involving in plays or activities that they enjoy.
For stray dogs, try to make efforts from arranging shelters in the community so that during the times of fireworks, they are able to be in those places rather than getting disturbed. It is important to understand that fireworks are extremely discomforting and act as a threat to the dogs and all other animals, therefore, protective measures should be taken for ensuring their safety. Comfort and safety are not just important for humans but all living creatures of all sizes. From small to large animals, they also experience stress and anxiety and need help in dealing with them.