Due to the pace of life and the number of responsibilities we put on ourselves every day, almost all of us are much more stressed than our parents or grandparents were many years ago. While today we have to worry less about things such as cleaning (oh, the cleaning devices!) or general house chores, we work much more and tend to fall into workaholism. And then there are other problems and the stress level becomes too high. How to reduce it?
Try exercises
Regular trainings are beneficial for both body and mind. Physical activity, no matter how much it strains you physically, has a calming effect on your body and mind. Don’t worry: you don’t need to run a marathon to feel better! Even a 40-minute walk will be really beneficial to your health and well-being. When you move your body, it releases endorphins, the so-called happiness hormones. They are crucial for maintaining a good mood at all times. Try to find an activity that is fun for you and start doing it regularly: this way, you will feel better in no time!
Try to delegate
Having too many tasks to do has a huge impact on your ability to deal with everyday stressors. It may sound ridiculous for some people but you don’t have to do everything on your own. Dealing with work, family life, household chores and all other things on your own will have a negative impact on your life. Whenever you can, try to share daily chores with others. Your spouse or partner will definitely handle the shopping and your colleagues are able to complete the same tasks as you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. When you are not under pressure and don’t feel very stressed, you are much more productive.
Some people associate this word with a bald man in unusual clothes, sitting with his eyes closed and repeating “om”, but meditation is much more. Try to focus your mind on one thing and enjoy the act of sitting and breathing for a couple minutes a day. Once you get used to it, you will feel so much better after each meditation session!
Reduce your caffeine intake
Coffee contains huge amounts of caffeine and can cause anxiety. Instead of drinking a few cups of this drink every day, try to sleep for at least an hour longer. As a matter of fact, even a short nap during the day can make you feel way better and avoid drinking another coffee or energy drink (it also contains a lot of stress-increasing stimulants).
Try aromatherapy
There are smells that will surely make you feel calmer and more relaxed. You can use some essential oils that will make you feel much better. Try lavender, geranium, rose, sandalwood or Roman chamomile oils — they have a calming effect on the nervous system.
Play it smart — manage your emotions
When we are under too much mental or emotional pressure, we tend to act without thinking. Try to find a few minutes alone, sit down, take a notebook and write down everything that makes you stressed. Try to deal with these things one a time — and plan it out. When you have a list of stressful things, just make another list where you can put things you can do to reduce your worries.