How to deal with motion sickness?

Published: 28-07-2021

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Many people get sick on their journeys, traveling from one place to another. The journey may be short or based on several days of traveling, but it kind of loses its thrill and adventure when you only think of motion sickness. You see your friends enjoying the trip, laughing, taking pictures and having fun. While you are sitting in a corner feeling sick to your stomach, thinking about when this torture will end.

Motion sickness is not something you should dismiss. It’s a serious disorder that requires proper treatment, including medication, prevention and possibly exercise. If you are looking for a way to cope with your motion sickness problem, you have stumbled upon the right place. Here are some ways you can deal with motion sickness and still enjoy your travels.


Always keep your medications with you

Whenever you travel, you should always carry some motion sickness medication with you. No matter how much control you think you have over yourself, just having medication in your pocket or purse can give you so much confidence that you subconsciously begin to feel better and take control of your condition. And in an emergency or bad situation, you can always just take out the packet and use medication to keep your motion sickness in check.

Antihistamines are used to get rid of allergies, and many people also use them to treat unwanted motion sickness. But first, check with your doctor which drug you should or shouldn’t use, given your conditions.


Breathe in fresh air

If you don’t want to take any medications or you don’t have them at the moment, try getting out of your car or other vehicle you’re in. The mind feels calm when you breathe in fresh air. If you are on a boat or cruise, you should go out into an open space where you can breathe in some fresh air. The natural flow of fresh air through your lungs seems to soothe the nerves and mentally heal from motion sickness. This is more like a psychological treatment combined with the physical freedom to breathe fresh air.


Avoid excessive consumption

You should always have light meals when you travel. Make sure you eat only healthy foods that give you energy and strength, and not extra calories and cholesterol. It simply means that you should avoid eating foods rich in carbohydrates and fats. Instead, eat fruits, legumes and vegetables. You should also drink fruit juices, and not milkshakes or soft drinks. Eat only to stay energized and try not to overeat before traveling.


Monitor your pressure points

It is not fully supported by numerous studies, but some experiments show that pressure point monitoring can be effective. You can wear a variety of devices to keep your blood pressure steady. If not, it can still make you feel good and increase your optimism. You can just lie down or fix your position if you don’t have any devices. When you suffer from unnecessary motion sickness, take a position that makes you feel comfortable.


Take precautions

If you are a person who always suffers from motion sickness when you away from home, you should know better to take precautions before going out. You might have ginger with you, for example, as it is known to treat motion sickness. You can also eat a little bit of ginger 30 minutes before going out. Studies have shown that ginger is very effective in preventing motion sickness.



The above-mentioned tips to deal with your motion sickness can make a difference in your life if you follow them properly. You don’t have to follow all the tips, just try them and decide for yourself what is best for you. Enjoy traveling!

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