Regardless of the economic situation, finding a good job is a really big challenge. Sometimes you have to send dozens of CVs and cover letters and go through many interviews to finally get your desired job.
Employer’s market and employee’s market
The employer’s market occurs in a period of economic downturn, when there is a decline in gross domestic product (GDP), an increase in unemployment and a decrease in salaries. There are then significantly fewer job offers on the market than people interested in taking up a job. Employers can choose from a huge number of candidates, so they are pickier and set higher requirements. In turn, the employee’s market occurs in the period of GDP growth, when unemployment is low and there are more job offers than people interested in taking it up. Finding the right employees is very difficult. Then employees can pick and choose offers and count on higher salaries.
In times of economic growth, finding a new job with a higher salary is not a major problem. However, in tough economic times and with rising unemployment, the employer has the upper hand. How to find yourself in the labor market in such a situation?
Activity is important
Regardless of the prevailing economic situation, you should be active in your job search. This will help you to improve your chances of getting a promotion or a better-paying job. Of course, you have the best chances if you are an employee with the appropriate qualifications and experience.
Finding a job in times of rising unemployment is not an easy task. The requirements of employers are high and this applies not only to formal requirements, such as education or work experience, but also to additional skills and qualifications. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t find a job. First of all, you need to look for it intensively. You shouldn’t count on the help of state employment offices, but it is worth registering with private offices. They receive a commission from the employer for recruiting an employee.
A good source of information about job vacancies are specialized websites where you can not only get access to thousands of job offers, but also find out what requirements are set by employers or what salary employees on specific positions receive.
How to improve your chances on the labor market?
It is most difficult to find a job for people who have graduated from school and do not yet have relevant experience. However, that doesn’t mean they are on a hiding to nothing. The employer doesn’t always expect experience in a specific profession, every form of activity is important. It could be volunteer or a summer job. Many people try to combine study with work. And this is a very good strategy that not only gives you financial independence, but also significantly increases your chances of finding a good job.
CV and cover letter
When looking for a job, you need to send dozens or even hundreds of CVs and cover letters. It is important to remember that they should be prepared individually, tailored to the offer of a specific employer. Your CV and cover letter allow you to demonstrate your experience, which is often more important to employers than education. First of all, it proves your activity and independence. It is for this reason that employers are often more willing to hire people with experience who have graduated from a similar field of study than people without experience, even if they have obtained a specialized college or university degree. The labor market is very flexible and reacts quickly to changes in the economy, which is why people who can adapt to changes have the best chances to succeed.